Hurricane Ridge News

Home Roads and Watersystem FYI 2017 Annual Report Photo Gallery History Contact Us

2016  Annual Report

Balance sheet  12-31-15

General P&L 12-2015

Water P&L 12-2015

Reserve Expenditure Report

Aged Receivables 12-2015

HRPOA Insurance Coverage

2015 Annual Meeting Minutes


547 Ridgetop Circle

Clyde, North Carolina   28721

March 22, 2016

Dear Members,

Our By-Laws require that an Annual Report be issued to the members prior to April 1st each year.

1)  Water System:    Our water system is in good working order.  Projected improvements include exterior renovations to the pump house.  This will include removing and replacing damaged siding, replacing door trim and threshold as well as new exterior paint. We also plan on replacing the door trim and threshold as well as new exterior paint to the High Bay booster pump building.    

2) Roads:   Our road reserve fund was severely depleted in 2015 due to the cost of removing, replacing and rebuilding the culvert and roadway on Hurricane Ridge Trace just above Blackberry Lane.  We also experienced less wear and tear on our roads due to lower traffic and more favorable weather which allowed us to skimp on road maintenance in 2015 in order to save money and replenish our reserves.  We were able to transfer over $18,000 to Road Reserves as a result of the 2015 surplus.

As most of you know we were devastated by the resignation of Jeff Parris who had done such a good job the past three years keeping up our roads.  Fortunately we have found a worthy replacement in Johnny Lowe. Johnny is arguably the most experienced grading and hauling contractor in the area having been in business for many years.  He operates his own equipment and has agreed to maintain our roads going forward.  He hopes to get started this spring as soon as weather permits.

As always the quality of our roads is a function of the weather, proper maintenance, use of 4 WD vehicles and strict observance of the 15 MPH speed limits.  Pay particular attention to driving on the OUTSIDE (high side) of all switchbacks. This may seem counter intuitive but it is essential to preserving our roads and keeping maintenance costs down.  Please keep this in mind as you, your families and friends enjoy our mountain.


3) Finance:   Our financial statements for the year ending 12/31/2015 and the status of our Reserves can be found in the annual report documents attached and on the Hurricane Ridge website. In compliance with our bylaws, an independent Audit must be conducted annually. The report will be sent to the membership upon its completion.

We are continuing our work limiting access to trespassers.  We’re hopeful that the new technology, which should be available later this spring, will allow us to install CCTV cameras with a new gate coding and monitoring system.  This should allow us to discretely track all vehicles entering our gate and identify them by the HR member authorizing entry.

We also would like to urge those of you who do not have an automatic gate opener to contact Bill Sanislow at 828-400-1621 and purchase one for $30. The “clicker” will save time and avoid you having to keep up with the more frequent gate code changes.

2016 Annual Report documentation can be found at

If you would like a hard copy of any documentation please notify the Board at

Thank you

Don Ostrowski
